Can I still purchase pet products from Total Pet Supply?
Yes, you can still purchase pet products from Total Pet Supply. The website has been acquired by, but your online pet buying experience will remain the same.
Will there be more options for pet products after the acquisition?
Yes, after the acquisition, you may notice more options for your pet products on Total Pet Supply. The acquisition has brought additional choices for customers.
How can I create a new account on World Pet Express?
To create a new account on World Pet Express, please visit their website at You can find the option to create a new account there.
What is the customer service phone number for Total Pet Supply?
The customer service phone number for Total Pet Supply is 1-866-501-6038. You can contact them for any questions or concerns.
Can I still contact Total Pet Supply for support?
No, after the acquisition, you will need to contact World Pet Express for support. Please use the toll-free support phone number provided on the World Pet Express website.
Will my previous Total Pet Supply account still work?
No, your previous Total Pet Supply account will not work after the acquisition. You will need to create a new account on World Pet Express to continue shopping.
Do I need to create a new account on World Pet Express?
Yes, you will need to create a new account on World Pet Express to continue shopping. Your previous Total Pet Supply account will not be valid.
Will the customer service of Total Pet Supply be the same after the acquisition?
No, the customer service for Total Pet Supply will now be provided by World Pet Express. They will assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.
Can I still get customer support for my previous Total Pet Supply orders?
Yes, you can still get customer support for your previous Total Pet Supply orders. Please contact World Pet Express using the toll-free support phone number on their website.
Is Total Pet Supply still dedicated to customer service?
Yes, Total Pet Supply is still dedicated to customer service. The acquisition by World Pet Express has not changed their commitment to providing excellent customer support.
How can I contact Total Pet Supply for any questions?
After the acquisition, you will need to contact World Pet Express for any questions. They have a toll-free support phone number available on their website.
Can I still shop for pet products on Total Pet Supply?
No, after the acquisition, you will need to shop for pet products on World Pet Express. Total Pet Supply has been acquired by World Pet Express.
Where can I find pet products now that Total Pet Supply has been acquired?
You can find pet products on the website of World Pet Express. They have acquired Total Pet Supply and now offer a wide range of pet products.
Will the Total Pet Supply website be redirected to World Pet Express?
Yes, the Total Pet Supply website will be redirected to World Pet Express. You will be automatically redirected in 20 seconds.
What should I do if I am not redirected to World Pet Express?
If you are not automatically redirected to World Pet Express, please visit their website directly at
Can I still use my Total Pet Supply login credentials on World Pet Express?
No, your Total Pet Supply login credentials will not work on World Pet Express. You will need to create a new account on their website.
How do I create a new account on World Pet Express?
To create a new account on World Pet Express, please visit their website at You can find the option to create a new account there.