What is HSA Store?
HSA Store is a one-stop destination for Health Savings Accounts where customers can buy HSA eligible products, search for services, and learn about their HSA.
What products can I find on HSA Store?
HSA Store offers a wide range of HSA eligible products, including cold and allergy remedies, personal care items, medicine and treatments, home health care supplies, baby and mom products, joint and muscle pain relief, and more.
How can I track and manage my orders on HSA Store?
Customers can track and manage their orders by signing in to their HSA Store account and accessing the "Track & Manage Orders" section.
Is there free shipping available on HSA Store?
Yes, HSA Store offers free shipping on orders over $50.
Can I earn rewards on HSA Store?
Yes, customers can earn rewards through the HSA Perks™ program. They can unlock member-only rewards and savings by enrolling in HSA Perks™.
What is the eligibility guarantee on HSA Store?
HSA Store guarantees that all products listed on their website are HSA eligible.
How can I contact customer service on HSA Store?
Customers can contact customer service on HSA Store by calling 1-888-472-7415 or using the live chat feature. Customer service is available 24/7.
Does HSA Store ship internationally?
No, HSA Store only ships to the lower 48 states. They do not sell internationally.
What health conditions are covered by HSA Store?
HSA Store offers products for various health conditions, including cold and virus protection, eczema, chronic pain, acne, high blood pressure, diabetes, plantar fasciitis, warts, heartburn, acid reflux, and incontinence.
Can I find vitamins and supplements on HSA Store?
Yes, HSA Store offers a selection of vitamins and supplements that are HSA eligible.
Are there any discounts or special promotions available on HSA Store?
Customers can sign up for discounts, special promotions, tips, and more by entering their email address on the HSA Store website.
Can I shop for FSA eligible products on HSA Store?
No, HSA Store specifically caters to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and offers HSA eligible products. For FSA eligible products, customers can visit FSA Store.
What services are available on HSA Store?
HSA Store offers services such as Apostrophe, BetterHelp, Oura Ring, and Optical. Customers can explore these services on the HSA Store website.
How can I learn more about HSAs?
HSA Store provides resources such as the Learning Center™ and HSA Your Way™ to help customers learn more about Health Savings Accounts.
Is there a savings calculator available on HSA Store?
Yes, HSA Store provides an HSA Tax Savings Calculator™ and an HSA Future Value Calculator™ to help customers understand the potential savings and value of their HSA.
What is the HSA 401(k) Maximizer™ offered by HSA Store?
The HSA 401(k) Maximizer™ is a tool provided by HSA Store to help customers maximize the benefits of their HSA and 401(k) accounts. It helps customers determine the optimal contribution amounts to both accounts.