
India’s election

Exit polls point to a crushing victory for Narendra Modi

The BJP is expected to extend its reach across India

A protest against parliament

Some Taiwanese worry that their lawmakers may sell them out to China

They are protesting against the legislature awarding itself greater powers


Want to stop a third world war? Pick up the phone

America’s and China’s defence ministers will meet in Singapore. They need to talk more

Monetising minerals

Australia joins the industrial arms race

The government hopes to spend its way to a future as a green superpower

Four legs good

Bans on dog meat sweep across Asia

Three reasons lie behind the cuddly trend

Diplomatic inertia

Is America giving Narendra Modi an easy ride?

The West is struggling to balance interests and values in India

Bangsamoro’s moment

In the Philippines a decades-long conflict nears its endgame

Peace in Mindanao matters for regional security

All-consuming fires

Vietnam’s ruling communists rush to fill the country’s top jobs

Amid an anti-graft drive, they will struggle to restore an aura of calm

New Caledonia, Old Tensions

Geopolitics helps reignite New Caledonia’s anti-colonial unrest

Emmanuel Macron makes an emergency dash to the troubled Pacific island

An unruly corner

India’s YouTubers take on Narendra Modi

In one corner of India’s internet, dissent survives. For now

Justice in Kazakhstan

The murder that aroused a nation

Despite a recent conviction, a culture of impunity persists among the well-connected